
export function BrowserPreview(
props: BrowserPreviewProps
): Element
Create a check field configuration */
export function check(
label: Label,
options: CheckOptions
): CheckField
export function code(
label: Label,
options: CodeFieldOptions
): CodeField
export const Collection: CollectionConstructor
Configuration options for the dashboard */
Create a new config instance */
export function createConfig<T extends Workspaces>(
options: ConfigOptions<T>
): Config<T>
export const Cursor: CursorConstructor
Create a link field configuration */
export function link<T = {}, Q = (Entry & T) & (Url & T)>(
label: Label,
options: LinkOptions<T, Q>
): LinkField<T, Q>
Create a list field configuration */
export function list<T, Q = Array<T & ListRow>>(
label: Label,
options: ListOptions<T, Q>
): ListField<T, Q>
export const MediaSchema:
File: TypeConfig<
title: string
MediaLibrary: TypeConfig<
title: string
export function number(
label: Label,
options: NumberOptions
): NumberField
export function object<T>(
label: Label,
options: ObjectOptions<T>
): ObjectField<T>
export function path(
label: Label,
options: PathOptions
): PathField
Create a rich text field configuration */
export function richText<T, Q = TextDoc<T>>(
label: Label,
options: RichTextOptions<T, Q>
): RichTextField<T, Q>
export function root<T>(
label: Label,
options: RootOptions<T>
): RootConfig<T>
Create a schema, expects a string record of Type instances */
export function schema<Types extends LazyRecord<TypeConfig<any>>>(
types: Types
): SchemaConfig<TypeToEntry<TypeToRows<Types>>>
export namespace Schema {
Utility to infer the type of a Schema, Type, Feld or any Store type */
Describes the different types of entries */
Create a select field configuration */
export function select(
label: Label,
items: SelectItems,
options: SelectOptions
): SelectField
Create a tab configuration */
export function tab<T extends Array<Input<any>>>(
label: Label,
sections: T
): TypeConfig<Section.FieldsOf<T[number]>>
Create tabs configuration */
export function tabs<T extends Array<TypeConfig<any>>>(
types: T
): Section<UnionToIntersection<Type.Of<T[number]>>>
Create a text field configuration */
export function text(
label: Label,
options: TextOptions
): TextField
export namespace Tree {
export function children(
id: EV<string>,
depth: number
): Cursor<Entry>
export function nextSibling(
id: EV<string>
): CursorSingleRow<Entry>
export function parent(
id: EV<string>
): Cursor<Entry>
export function parents(
id: EV<string>
): Cursor<Entry>
export function prevSibling(
id: EV<string>
): CursorSingleRow<Entry>
export function siblings(
id: EV<string>
): Cursor<Entry>
Create a new type */
export function type<T extends Array<Input<any>>>(
label: Label,
sections: T
): TypeConfig<Section.FieldsOf<T[number]>>
export namespace Type {
Infer the field types */
Describes the structure of an entry by their fields and type */
export function Welcome(): Element
Create a workspace */
export function workspace<T>(
label: Label,
options: WorkspaceOptions<T>
): WorkspaceConfig<T>
Use a workspace to divide content. It is possible to create internal links between workspaces. */